Want to get access to all the knowledge, insider information and content we offer? It is easy and it is free
What's included?
- Access to gated and member-only content & insider info
- Access to ALL MATTER's event recordings !
- Access to recorded workshops and masterclasses
FREE to join in 2022
No application process
member +
MEMBER + is an exclusive community in the MATTERverse. It is an elite group of movers and shakers whose stakeholdership pushes the boundaries of the frontier material world.
It is free to apply and if everything checks out, you will receive a 2-year membership.
What's included?
- 20% Discount on all MATTER physical event registrations and add ons (value of $180-$280)- Applicable also to VIP registration
- Registration fee waiver for MATTER Masterclasses & Workshops ($250 value)
- Eligibility to join WG and chapters
Access to member-only content
- Access to exclusive reports and knowledge publications
- Access to MATTER's event recorded content
- Access to recorded workshops and masterclasses
FREE to Join in 2022 for processed applications