Co-Evolving the Future
Frontier Materials For What Really Matters
Virtual Global Forum | April 28-29

An International Forum on Policy, Frontier Materials & Global Impact
MATTER™ 2021 will be the convening grounds of global vision, dialogue and action that will spark a new momentum, enabling Frontier and Advanced Materials to solve some of humanity’s most immediate challenges.
The 2-Day event will bring together thought leaders, policy makers, scientists, business and government delegates, diplomatic liaisons and civil societies to develop a shared vision for Material Science responding to complex, multi scale challenges of global magnitude.








The MATTER Forum is organized around 4 distinct Nexus each with a cohesive series of dialogues and panels shedding light on the role and future of Frontier Materials for a better future. The first 3 nexus focus on solving some of the most pressing challenges of the PLANET, PEOPLE and SOCIETY through the lens of Frontier Materials. While the fourth Nexus will cut across these problem domains and crystalize the mechanisms needed to maximize the impact of Frontier and Advanced Materials with the help of governments, academia industry, entrepreneurs and non-governmental organizations and civil societies.
View Agenda: Here
Connecting Dots
Nexus 1
SDG Categories

"How Can Frontier Materials Help the Planet?"
Nexus Concept:
As has been well established by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, human activity and our technologically sophisticated society is changing our natural environment. While there is significant political and technical debate and even controversy concerning what is the best way to mitigate climate change and to adapt to some of its more immediate impacts, there is no question that Frontier & Advanced Materials and new, innovative technologies show enormous promise to be at least part of the solution.
The "Challenge": A Planet Humanity Can Live On
The first panel of the PLANET Nexus discusses the nature of the problem in both physical and social terms highlighting how climate change and other environmental problems are affecting different regions of the world in different ways. It will also look ahead to COP 26 in Glasgow and outline what some of the revised targets for emissions reductions might look like in order to establish rough time frame in which advanced materials will have to play their part.
The "Science & Solution": How Frontier Materials Technologies Help Heal the Planet
The second panel of the PLANET Nexus focuses on the edge of discovery and research in Frontier & Advanced Materials. It will explore applications to renewable and clean energy, light weighting, carbon capture as well as looking at other ways that breakthrough technologies could play a role in healing the Earth.
View Agenda: Here


"Can Material Science Elevate Human Life?"
Nexus Concept:
As 2020 has shown us, the world is still facing significant challenges with respect to human health and well being. Humanity still grapples with persistent hunger, water and sanitation issues that afflict many. Can innovation in Frontier Materials help build pieces of a harmonious puzzle to address these challenges?
The "Challenge":
The first panel of the PEOPLE Nexus deals with the ongoing challenges facing humanity including a catalog of ailments and diseases that still evade our best science and elevating human health monitoring.
The "Science & Solution":
The second panel of PEOPLE Nexus looks at the latest discoveries and advances in technological tooling in medical devices, diagnostics and more. As there are many examples to choose form in this area the goal of the panel is to demonstrate the breadth of applications more than focus on a specific part of the problem.
The "How":
The third panel of the PEOPLE Nexus highlights the role of entrepreneurship and startups in bringing Frontier Materials technological solutions to the market. The panel will present a dialogue amongst venture capital organizations and technology transfer nodes and will cover trend cycles, raising money, patient capital and expediting the innovation process to help humanity.
View Agenda: Here
Nexus 2
SDG Categories





Nexus 3
SDG Categories

"Frontier Materials, Sustainable cities, Future of Mobility, How Do We Get There?"
Nexus Concept:
Over the last 50 years, the number of cities with a population over 10 million has grown from three to over 30 and today more than half of humanity is living in cities. Cities offer a richer and more diverse cultural life, economic opportunity and can be much more efficient in terms of resource utilization, innovation infrastructure and mobility but, at the same time pose a number of problems which could potentially be solved in part by the use of more innovative materials.
The "Challenge": Smart& Sustainable Cities
The first panel of the CITY & SOCIETY Nexus focuses on innovative concepts in urbanization and what the city of the future will look like. The panel offers different viewpoints of the vision for cities and societies in terms of sustainability, mobility and the challenges of getting there.
The "Science & Solution":
The second panel of the CITY & SOCIETY Nexus covers technological development in areas of sustainability in cities such as power distributions, smart sensors for continuous monitoring, resilient buildings and infrastructure and closing the gap between the world of Advanced Materials and the vision for an innovative sustainable way of life in urban quarters.
View Agenda: Here

"Getting There Fast... Together"
Nexus Concept:
The first three Nexus PLANET, PEOPLE and CITY & SOCIETY look into the societal and global problems of our era and how Frontier Materials could potentially offer solutions that could alleviate some of these challenges. Nexus 4 focuses on how we can connect the dots to build cross domain, international partnerships towards these common goals.
The partnerships and discussions highlighted in the panels of Nexus 4 span national and regional ecosystem architecture from the standpoint of policy, research & development infrastructure and multi-stakeholder diplomatic partnerships that can facilitate connecting the dots and fast track Frontier Material solutions.
Nexus 4 will announce and highlight some of the most notable AMPT initiatives towards realization of these goals and present the unique perspective of the global partners and collaborators who have made it possible.
Nexus 4
SDG Categories


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Catalyzing Harmonious Action
For a Better Future
As the world still grapples with COVID-19, the momentum fueled by this pandemic must be transformed into building new infrastructures and harmonious global action.
The development of such infrastructure for Frontier & Advanced Materials requires governments and policymakers across the world to work together hand in hand with the scientific and business sector to reform and introduce policies that enable and encourage cross-country exchange of ideas, resources, and funding of collaborative science and R&D activities.
MATTER™ 2021 will provide an international forum to trigger dialogue, ignite action, cross-border thought leadership and collaborations towards a shared agenda.
"Science at the Service of Society & Humanity"
An Open Letter to the UN Secretary General
In November of 2020, the Director General and steering committee of AMPT — joined by world leaders in Frontier & Advanced Material sector — orchestrated an open letter to the United Nations Secretary General to urgently convene a strategic forum for dialogue, action and new shared strategies for material science and technologies to respond swiftly and effectively to global challenges.
The world-wide reception, momentum and strong support generated by the open letter, further punctuated the need for a global forum to discuss the role of Frontier & Advanced Materials as building blocks of a shared future for humanity.
That is why MATTER™ Forum was created.
You too can be a part of this movement. Let's re-imagine and shape a better future with materials.
Panelists & Speakers

Dr. Ramon Farré

Dr. Alejandro Bonilla
Aditi Khot
Sir Kostya Novoselov

John Elkington
Dr. Ahmed Busnaina

Salvador Illa

Ruth Hughs

Sophia Kianni
John Hoffman

Dr. Lisa Dyson
Dr. Kiana Aran

Carlos Grau

Michelle Zhu
Dr. Shideh Kabiri Ameri

Ori Sasson

Florian Lennert

Dr. Antonio Castro Neto
Dr. Rod Menchaca
Dr. Yury Gogotsi

Marco Falzetti

Dr. Lars Montelius

Yitz Applebuam

Dr. Robert Fabregat Fuentes

Gabby Silberman

Chris Luebkeman
Aravinth Panch
Dr. Deji Akinwande
Luca Venza
Dr. Carlo Saverio Iorio
Dr. Frank Koppens

Steve Martineau

Dr. Andrea Ferrari
Dr. Mike Rosenberg

Dr. Zina Jarrahi Cinker
Detailed Agenda will be announced March 5
Request An Invitation
You can request an invitation by submitting your information below. Once your request has been approved you will receive a link to the event.
If your invitation is granted, you will receive an email within the next 24 hours providing you with a registration link.
The seating for MATTER 2021 is highly limited. If we can not grant you a seat for this year, we will automatically put you on the invitation list for our event next year!
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